Atmospheric sounds of New Zealand and Australia
Атмосферные звуки Новой Зеландии и Австралии уносят в мир первобытной природы. Здесь можно услышать шепот ветра, шелест пышных крон древних каури и мягкое потрескивание папоротников в таинственной чаще. Вдоль кромки воды раздаются мелодичные звуки волн на фоне криков чаек.
- Category: Atmospheric sounds (interference) of New Zealand
- Number of sounds: 6
- Quality: High
- All files are safe to download.
On this page you can listen to atmospheric sounds of new zealand and australia.
Our collection is perfect if you are involved in video editing and dubbing, as a soundtrack, and for different tasks.
Our site sound library is huge and constantly growing, so we recommend you to add our site to bookmarks.
You may use these sounds for informational and educational purposes only.
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